Sample Newsletter

Sample Newsletter

Welcome to the April 2004 edition of “A Little Good News!”

Good News Reporter Tip: Liberal or Conservative Media

The dental hygienist saw the book I was reading about bias in the media and started exclaiming loudly about how reporters were awful and how she had quit watching news. Because she had sharp instruments in my mouth, I did not protest. When she later asked what I did for a living and I told her I was a journalist, she did not seem at all embarrassed about the comments she made earlier. In fact, she seemed star struck, “A journalist? That is so cool!” Journalists are like congressmen and car dealers. Many people will tell you that they hate car dealers or politicians, but they like their lawmaker and their auto salesperson. Many hate the bias in the media, but like the reporters they watch every night.

The tips: Please do not make assumptions about a person’s opinions based on the title of the book he or she is reading, especially if it is a journalist. The reporter may be conducting research. While you may detect a liberal or conservative bent in the media, if you want to develop a relationship with a reporter in hopes of coverage, please be careful about accusations of bias. You probably would not go up to a stranger and ask, “Why are you so ugly?” But I have had otherwise polite people ask me, “Why are you in the media so biased?” Like the ugly guy’s mother, I contend that beauty—or bias—is in the eye of the beholder.

Good News Publicity Tip: Stamp your message!

Lorri reporting on the national  shortage of volunteer firefighters

Lorri reporting on the national
shortage of volunteer firefighters

My friend Henry Gentry, founder of Henry’s Homemade Ice Cream, has started a campaign to get a postal stamp commemorating America’s love affair with ice cream. Henry uses lots of positive promotion techniques for his business, the Chamber of Commerce and causes he supports. So, I have no doubt that you will one day see an ice cream stamp. The stamp will not be an ad for his parlor, but it could help spur sales of cones and sundaes nationwide. If you like this publicity idea, or you want to help Henry, send me an e-mail with “ice cream” in the subject line, and I will send you more info.

QUICK Tip: Make the most of your space! Use fax coversheets and the back of your business card to reinforce your key messages, or to offer more information to intrigue reporters.

Call Lorri Allen, the Soundbite Coach
at 214-878-8610 today!